Wednesday 19 October 2016

5 Things You Must Do the Morning of Your Wedding

1. Don’t skip breakfast

Make sure you grab a light and healthy breakfast to start your day just right. You will need the energy throughout the day; don’t skip breakfast no matter how nervous you’re feeling. A nutritious breakfast will make you feel more awake and prepare you for the big day ahead.

2. Allow yourself to have fun

It’s tempting on a day like this to feel too overwhelmed and confused as the day goes by in a flurry of activity. This shouldn’t stop from you from cracking silly jokes with your loved ones and dancing to your favourite music. This is about you and you must make sure you’re feeling safe, happy and comfortable. Listen to your favourite songs and relax for a while.

3. Keep an emergency bag

In order to avoid any unexpected incidents, you’ll want to keep a few supplies handy. It’s a good idea to carry this bag to the salon or bring it with you to the room where you’ll be prepping before the ceremony. You can consider including things like painkillers, a pair of scissors, sanitary napkins, a toothbrush, a deodorant, a nail file, makeup and more.

4. Wear comfortable clothing

If you’re going to get your hair and makeup done before you put on your wedding outfit, make sure you’re wearing something that’s easy to remove beforehand. Avoid something like a tight T-shirt that will mess up your carefully styled hair. Remember that whatever you wear beforehand shouldn’t come in the way of your preparations! Besides, wearing something comfortable like a hoodie will help you relax before it’s time.

5. Take care of yourself

It can get easy to neglect yourself with the last minute rush and all that stress. You must not let this get to you. Remember to drink lots of water and have a light-hearted conversation with your best friend. Hold her hand tightly if you’re scared, take a few deep breaths, write a happy, hopeful letter to your fiancé(e) as a surprise for later.
Laugh a lot, charge your phone, keep an old photograph that makes you happy with you, keep negative thoughts far away from you. Remember that this day is all about you and your loved ones.

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